Sandstone Asset Management



Sandstone is a founder run asset management firm specializing in ultra-high net worth individuals and discretionary active management. The company is based on the vision of the dynamic founder and the personal relationships that have been cultivated over the 30 years of it's existence. 


With the founding management aging into their roles and wanting to transition from operational capacities into more business development and chairman functions, the small, 5 person team was looking to gain insight into digital strategy and identify opportunities to grow it's current offering especially among young investors.



As a Lead Experience Designer, I was responsible for partnering closely with the client and directing discovery and strategy at the program level.  With a small team, we:

  • Conducted and analyzed stakeholder interviews

  • Created provisional user personas

  • Analyzed and developed customer experience maps of 3 primary user groups

  • Identified opportunities within the existing experiences for digital interventions

  • Conducted marking automation (MA) and client relationship management (CRM) vendor analysis

  • Developed cursory concepts for technology enabled service enhancements

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The agency-side team iteratively and collaboratively analyzed and evolved the customer experience of discovering and becoming a client with the firm, and making an initial investment. Data was generated through interviewing prospective and current clients, and gaining insights into their experiences and use of existing services. 



Three primary experiences that emerged from the interviews were used to create target segmentations of the user base. Customer Experience Journey mapping and analysis were conducted, identifying multiple opportunities along the course of the journey, areas of drop off, and magic moments where trust is cultivated.

Key opportunities were selected that could leverage technology, evolve the secondary research and vendor analysis in the short-term for the Minimum Lovable Product with highest benefit to the user and to the business. 

Seen above, designers Justin Poston and Arielle Wiltz.

Seen above, designers Justin Poston and Arielle Wiltz.

Rachel Robbins